Balance Universal has been established in 2010 by a backoffice team working together from 2005 for a holding of several companies. We are an independent business offering cost effective bookkeeping and accounting services to individuals and small to mid-sized businesses in Budapest and surroundings. We are licensed accountants, which requires us to renew our registration every year, ensuring we continue to meet all the requirements of our Licensed status.
Leading accountants:
Beata Mikle, 116323 (2003.01.01)
Gizella Samu economist (1998) 132168 (2003.01.01)
Main fields of activity are accounting services (bookkeeping and payroll) and consulting (business consulting and coaching).
Accounting services:
We undertake double-entry bookkeeping, payroll, labor and social security administration, online preparation and online or manual filing of tax returns, other official data reporting on monthly basis, annual report compilation based on the Accounting Act, preparation the accounting and other policy and analytical records management.
Our advantages:
We are an efficient team with a diverse professional experience with a lawyer and and an auditor company in the background letting us for example manage an audit or establishing a new firm .
We undertake bookkeeping of manufacturing, trading, shipping companies, non-profit organisations. With the help of our full payroll and social security management services you can solve your administrative tasks on a cost-effective way.
Consulting services
We can advise You also in conducting your business or personal life. We offer Coaching services to companies or individuals.
Our Career consulting services we recommend to individuals primarily, should you be facing to career change or just before are seeking employment.
Fill out our quotation form and compare us with others!
Accounting services (Bookkeeping, Payroll):
Mikle Beáta
Consulting, Coaching :
Samu Gizella
Tel.:+36 30 251 9951
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